The rules
Deadline for film submissions
15 MAY 2023
1-Youth contest = Less than 18 years old
The festival has 3 categories in French and English
Secondary cycle 1 (7th and 8th)
Secondary cycle 2 (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th [for participants outside Quebec] All participants must be under 18 years old)
All students must have the parental permission form signed regardless of their role or contribution to the film.
2-Canadian educational institution
Participants must be enrolled in a Canadian educational institution. Homeschoolers may also submit.
3-The teacher must take the necessary steps for the submission of the films
All films must be submitted by a teacher (see submission steps here) as well as the parental consent form that authorizes the festival to screen and promote the film projects of students under the age of 18.
4- What does the festival accept?
We accept short films of all genres (fiction, reportage, documentary, animation, stop motion, video clip, etc.)
All films must have a maximum duration of 8 minutes with credits included.
All music and images must be royalty-free and copyright-free, otherwise, the film will be disqualified. See the resources page.
Students may be advised by an adult, however, they must remain in charge of their film.
5- What format?
We accept video files. Make sure you have named the video file according to the procedure (see submission page)
Have saved the project in 1080 pixel HD format (1920x1080)
Ideally, do not use 4K format because it can cause complications when sending the files.